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What stock exchange is Rexford Industrial Realty’s common stock traded on and what is its ticker symbol?

Rexford Industrial Realty’s common stock is currently traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “REXR”.

How do I invest in Rexford Industrial Realty’s common stock?

Rexford Industrial Realty’s common stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank or financial institution that offers brokerage services. Rexford Industrial Realty does not currently have a direct stock purchase plan.

Does Rexford Industrial Realty have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)?

Rexford Industrial Realty does not currently offer a dividend reinvestment plan.

Who serves as the registrar and transfer agent for Rexford Industrial Realty?

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company is the registrar and transfer agent for Rexford Industrial Realty’s common stock. American Stock Transfer & Trust Company is available to resolve problems related to unpaid dividends, lost, destroyed or stolen certificates, as well as to facilitate name and address changes. The toll-free phone number for American Stock Transfer & Trust Company is (800) 937-5449. Please visit for more information.

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Brooklyn, NY 11219

What is Rexford Industrial Realty’s fiscal year?

Rexford Industrial Realty uses a fiscal year that aligns with the calendar year, ending on December 31st.

How can I obtain copies of financial information for Rexford Industrial Realty?

Most of the company's reports and financial filings can be retrieved from the News Releases, Financial Reports or SEC Filings sections of this website. They can also be accessed via the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) website at If you would like information emailed or mailed to you, you can submit your request at the Information Request section of this website.

How do I contact Rexford Industrial Realty’s Investor Relations?

The Investor Relations phone number is (424) 256-2153 and the investor relations email is All other inquiries, not related to Investor Relations should be addressed to (310) 966-3819.

Has Rexford Industrial Realty ever had a stock split?

Since its inception as a public company, Rexford Industrial Realty has not had any stock splits.

Does Rexford Industrial Realty have a formal Code of Business Conduct and Ethics?

Rexford Industrial Realty Code of Business Conduct and Ethics covers a wide range of business practices and procedures. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics does not cover every issue that may arise, but sets out basic principles to guide all employees and its subsidiaries. All employees must conduct themselves accordingly and seek to avoid even the appearance of improper behavior.

What is a REIT?

Real Estate Investment Trust or REIT is a company that owns, and in many cases, operates income-producing real estate such as apartments, shopping centers, offices, hotels and warehouses. Some REITs also engage in financing real estate. The shares of many REITs are publicly traded but this is not a requirement for qualification as a REIT.

To qualify as a REIT, a company must distribute at least 90 percent of its taxable income to its shareholders annually. A REIT is allowed to deduct dividends paid to its shareholders from its corporate taxable income. Therefore, most REITs distribute at least 100 percent of their taxable income to their shareholders and thus owe no federal corporate tax. Taxes are paid by shareholders on the dividends they receive and any capital gains. Most states honor this federal treatment and also do not require REITs to pay state income tax. Like other businesses, but unlike partnerships, a REIT cannot pass any tax losses through to its investors.

How can I receive Email alerts from Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc.?

To sign up for Email alerts on our Events, Documents, Press Releases and closing stock price information click here to visit our Email Notification page

How can I request additional information from Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc.?

You can contact us via our Information Request page.